Portraits by Jyotirindranath Tagore - Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century

Jyotirindranath Tagore (May 4, 1849 – March 4, 1925) was a playwright, a musician, an editor and a painter.Endowed with an outstanding talent, he had the rare capability of spotting talent in others. He played a major role in the flowering of the talents in his younger brother, the first Asian Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore.
He was an avid portrait artist, who worked almost exclusively by pencil on paper. Apart from the members of the Tagore family, he almost drew everybody who visited him at Calcutta or his Morabadi Hill residence at Ranchi. In 1914, twenty-five of his exquisite portrait drawings were printed by by Sir Emery walker of London in collotype method. the album carried a sensitive Foreword by William Rothenstein. The book was titled "Twenty-five Collotypes from the Original Drawings by Jyotirindranath Tagore", 1914.

Source: Mukul Dey Archive Facebook Page
For more information please visit to Mukul Dey Archive: http://www.chitralekha.org/

 Portrait of Rabindranath Tagore

 Portrait of Gaganendranath Tagore