A Bull At Mamallapuram
Bas-Relief at Mamallapuram - Right Half
Bas-relief Cave XIX Ajanta
Lakshmi Arising from the sea of milk - Mamallapuram
Parvati Dancing: Sculpture from the Kuruvatti Temple
Pillar in the Siva Temple Vellore
Queen Maya and the Infant Prince Siddhartha
Roof of Monolithic Temple at Kalugumalai
Siva Dancing the Tandavan Elephanta
Siva Dancing the Tandavan Ellora
Temple of Rajarani Bhuvaneshwar
Temple of Surya, Mudhera Gujerat
The Elephants at Konarak
The great bas-relief at Makallapuram - central part
The Kailasa Temple, Ellora, from the north-west corner
The "Linga" Shrine Elephanta
Vishnu supporting the Universe - bas-relief at Mamallapuram