Warwick Goble (1862 – 1943)
Folk Tales of Bengal (1912) is an illustrated version of the late-19th Century work of the Reverend Lal Behari Day. It includes the following tales: "Life's Secret"; "Phakir Chand"; "The Indigent Brahman"; "The Story of the Rakshasas"; "The Story of Swet-Basanta"; "The Evil Eye of Sani"; "The Boy whom Seven Mothers suckled"; "The Story of Prince Sobur"; "The Origin of Opium"; "Strike but Hear"; "The Adventures of Two Thieves and of their Sons"; "The Ghost-Brahman"; "The Man who wished to be Perfect"; "A Ghostly Wife"; "The Story of a Brahmadaitya"; "The Story of a Hiraman"; "The Origin of Rubies"; "The Match-making Jackal"; "The Boy with the Moon on his Forehead"; "The Ghost who was Afraid of being Bagged"; "The Field of Bones"; and "The Bald Wife".
The Preface written by the Reverend Lal Behari Day provides some insight to his inspiration for the collection of tales. Goble's illustrations are a wonderful example of his capacity to represent Eastern themes with romantic vision without Westernizing the images. In doing so, he has continued to be true to the tale being illustrated and filled his images with detail and colour in a most captivating fashion.
The Preface written by the Reverend Lal Behari Day provides some insight to his inspiration for the collection of tales. Goble's illustrations are a wonderful example of his capacity to represent Eastern themes with romantic vision without Westernizing the images. In doing so, he has continued to be true to the tale being illustrated and filled his images with detail and colour in a most captivating fashion.